How job postings are scripted has a lot to do with how much and what kind of response companies and recruiters receive from candidates. Even if you have a stellar opportunity open, not being able to communicate the details properly to the candidates might lead to your job posting job post not receiving good applications.
What companies need to remember is that while their job posting has their exclusive attention, the same cannot be said for job seekers who are skimming through multiple applications at a time. In such cases, they could easily miss some of the important details mentioned in your job application.
The aim of any job posting should be to get the perfect candidate to apply. Having the perfect job description is definitely a way to get there. However, the term ‘perfect job description’ is subjective in nature. As such, it is good to go with a checklist of a few pointers, which for sure can help you build a job posting that will attract better candidates.
The following are a few tips that will help you create the perfect job posts which will help attract the right applicants without much ado:
- Keep it short
As per a study conducted by LinkedIn, it was seen that job posts with lesser words, preferably 150 words or less, received 17.8% more applications as compared to ones with more than 450 words. Keeping the job post short and simple, helps candidates find the exact information they need and apply immediately. Also, shorter descriptions are easier to view on mobile phones, which have now become the preferred device for job seekers to read and apply to job posts.
- Don’t get too casual
To reflect ‘cool’ company culture, many job descriptions these days contain casual words, such as ‘kickass,’ ‘brogrammer,’ and so on to describe the job or requirements. These words have an adverse effect on attracting the right candidates, as they are not only confusing for them but also seem over the top or “trying too hard” to get applications. While it is okay not to be overly formal, having a professional tone to the job posting is something candidates prefer.
- Focus on the details
Instead of beating around the bush, get to the point quickly and in a clear manner. As mentioned earlier, candidates are skimming through multiple job postings at a time. To get their attention and ensure they take away the right details from your posting, dish it out to them in an easy-to-understand format. Give them a clear idea about the pay, the job details, and what will be expected of them. This will help them decide better if they are the right fit for your organization or not.
- Don’t focus on the company
The job posting is primarily for the applicant. Although they might be interested in learning about your company culture, their main concern is to land the right job with the right position and pay while they are going through job postings. It is important to focus on the latter than talking up your company in the job posting. You can always furnish your website details for the applicants to find out more about your company, at the end of your job post, rather than including all the details in the job post itself.
Redwood Technology Solutions specialize in a wide range of recruitment process outsourcing services. These include manual job postings, OFCCP Compliance Job Posting, for Federal Compliance, High Volume Craigslist Job Posting, Recruitment Media Buying, and general Business Process Outsourcing. Our team has over 16 years of experience in the staffing, talent acquisition, and recruitment industry. Get in touch today – our team is ready to help customize a solution specific to your company’s needs.