The global workforce crisis has become apparent in recent years, with many companies and organizations in the world facing labor shortages. In a recent survey, around 50 percent of small business owners said finding qualified and skilled workers has become harder. It has also been found that the number of jobs available as opposed to the person searching for them is far greater.
Given these circumstances, it has become important for businesses to look for creative and better ways to attract skilled workers. While big corporations use different methods like paying for the higher education of their employees to attract job seekers, this strategy cannot be implemented by small businesses. However, small and emerging businesses can use tech tools like LinkedIn to connect with more skilled workers.
In this article, we will provide you with strategies and tips for improving the performance of job posts on LinkedIn. Let’s dive in.
1. Select more industries and functions for your job post
When you are posting a job on LinkedIn for your company, you have two fields – industry and function. These indicate the industry sectors and the past roles/functions from which the candidates will be picked. You should always select more job functions and industries to cast a wider net for targeting more job seekers. For instance, if you want to hire a marketing manager, you can also target people with creative and strategy experience instead of targeting someone with just the marketing function. Similarly, you should also find related industries and fill in around 3 industries in the fields.
2. Don’t get too creative with your job title
Many companies come up with interesting titles like ‘marketing whiz’ for a marketing consultant or ‘number ninja’ for an accountant. While these are great for catching the attention of job seekers, the job recommendation algorithm of LinkedIn does not pick up these names. You should always select the job title for the opening from the drop-down list offered by the platform. This will help the candidates in understanding the role better, and you will also be able to target more candidates.
3. Write the job descriptions in bullet points
A lot of job seekers these days use LinkedIn on mobile phones to search for new roles. It has become important to apply new techniques to writing job descriptions. Make the job description better formatted and shorter so that it can be skimmed easily. This means providing the selling points of your company in bullet points and bold words.
4. Keep the job posting fresh by renewing it
If your job post says that it was posted 1 month ago, the prospective candidates might not get interested in applying for it. If your job post has been live for almost 14 days on the platform, it would be best to ‘renew’ the post so that it stays fresh. This will make sure that the job appears at the top of the search results when the candidates search for the said role.
With these tips, you will certainly be able to enhance the performance of your job posts on LinkedIn. If you are looking for Manual Job Posting services which are in compliance with the OFCCP regulations, then Redwood Technology Solutions is the right choice for you. With more than 10 years of experience in the industry, we have helped many companies and brands across the US, UK, Asia, and Europe. Contact us today to know more!
Redwood Technology Solutions specialize in a wide range of recruitment process outsourcing services. These include manual job postings, OFCCP Compliance Job Posting, for Federal Compliance, High Volume Craigslist Job Posting, Recruitment Media Buying, and general Business Process Outsourcing. Our team has over 16 years of experience in the staffing, talent acquisition, and recruitment industry. Get in touch today – our team is ready to help customize a solution specific to your company’s needs.