Although social media has become a powerful tool for acquiring and attracting new talent, many staffing agencies are not adhering to basic and successful online recruitment techniques. Their efforts in sourcing the right candidates are being thwarted by simple errors that are having an adverse impact on their searches, at the same time causing much frustration amongst job seekers. Listed below are the main blunders that recruiters make when hiring online.
One of the main irritations for online candidates is the lack of response from companies when an application has been submitted. However, this is a situation that can be avoided as most applicant tracking systems can send an auto response containing a brief message stating that the application has been received for assessment. It allows job seekers to keep in touch with the progress of their applications, as well as motivating them to connect with a company’s social media campaigns and keep up to date with the latest job postings and opportunities.
Not disclosing salary information. This is an issue that should be dealt with individually. Whether salary figures are made known early in the selection process, a job announcement includes a mention of basic wages or a wage stipulation is used as a benchmark to short-list candidates, it is important to recognize that the expectation amongst job seekers is that there should be some indication of salary levels.
It is important to ensure that job advertisements are reaching a targeted audience. With many candidates using smartphones to search online for job postings, a lot of scrolling up and down is often involved, to read all the information included in the advertisement and could lead to relevant facts about the vacancy being overlooked. It would, therefore, be better to place the minimum qualifications required for the job at the top of an ad layout so that they are seen first.
Keep an eye on applicant tracking systems to monitor abandonment rates. If they are increasing, it indicates that candidates are being discouraged by lengthy application processes. Requesting less information from the outset can help boost the chances of retaining higher application rates.
It is essential that websites and listings are optimized for mobile devices. Apart from the creation of mobile advertising campaigns, response rates can be significantly increased by relaying the very latest opportunities directly to applicants and on social media sites. Remember to include simple but useful phrases and keywords that encourage individuals to refer a company, share the latest opportunities and pass on the information contained in an ad.
Redwood Technology Solutions specialize in a wide range of recruitment process outsourcing services. These include manual job posting, OFCCP Compliance Job Posting for Federal Compliance, Recruitment Media Buying and general Business Process Outsourcing. Our team has over 12 years of experience in the staffing, talent acquisition, and recruitment industry. Get in touch today – our team is ready to help customize a solution specific for your companies needs.